Therapeutic Yoga to Improve Shoulder Posture

Welcome to Heal Wellness and Therapy's YouTube channel! 🌟 Dive into our latest video, "Therapeutic Yoga to Improve Shoulder Posture," where we'll guide you through a quick and easy session to open up your shoulders and enhance your posture. With just a bolster and a yoga strap, you'll be ready to join us on this journey to feeling great for the day ahead.

Starting in child's pose, we'll gently stretch your back and hips before moving into cat-cow poses to awaken your spine. Thread the needle and sleeper stretches will target those shoulder joints, while eagle arms will provide a deep release.

With strengthening exercises and full shoulder rotations, you'll leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Don't forget to breathe deeply and smile throughout the practice!

If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our channel for more therapeutic yoga sessions. Thank you for joining us on the mat today! 🧘‍♀️🙏

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#Yoga #Wellness #HealWellnessAndTherapy


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